mercoledì 26 marzo 2008

Case statement in SQL and PL/SQL

The following as examples using SIMPLE and SEARCHED CASE statement in pl/sql.
Simple CASE:

text := case n
when 1 then one
when 2 then two

when 3 then three
else other
end case;

Searched CASE:

text := case
when n = 1 then one

when n = 2 then two
when n = 3 then three
when ( n > 3 and n <>
else other

Exception handling:

when p = 1 then Action1;
when r = 2 then Action2;
when q > 1 then Action3;
end case;
when case_not_found

In SQL, you can also have SIMPLE and SEARCHED case.

SELECT last_name, commission_pct,
(CASE commission_pct
WHEN 0.1 THEN ‘Low’
WHEN 0.15 THEN ‘Average’
WHEN 0.2 THEN ‘High’
END ) Commission
FROM employees ORDER BY last_name;

SELECT last_name, job_id, salary,
WHEN job_id LIKE 'SA_MAN' AND salary <>
WHEN job_id LIKE 'SA_MAN' AND salary >= 12000 THEN '15%'
WHEN job_id LIKE 'IT_PROG' AND salary <>
WHEN job_id LIKE 'IT_PROG' AND salary >= 9000 THEN '12%'
END ) Raise
FROM employees;

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