giovedì 27 marzo 2008

LSOF: Who's doing what

Sometimes i got problems on identifing what kind of thing is doing a specified process.
First of all, you need to identify your process in "ps -efl" list.

To learn what program is listening on wich port:

netstat -tlnp

You can also identify processes using files or sockets:

fuser [FILENAME]

now check if you have LSOF utility on you machine.

locate lsof

probably you will find it under "/usr/sbin/lsof".
LSOF (LiSt Open Files) is a useful and powerful tool that will show you opened files.

When lsof is called without parameters, it will show all the files opened by any processes.

lsof | nl

Other examples on who is using the apache executable file, /etc/passwd, what files are opened on device /dev/hda6 or who's accessing /dev/cdrom:

lsof `which apache2`
lsof /etc/passwd
lsof /dev/hda6
lsof /dev/cdrom

What process IDs are using the apache binary, and only the PID?

lsof -t `which apache2`

what files are opened by processes whose names starts by "k" (klogd, kswapd...) and bash?

lsof -c k
lsof -c bash

what files are opened by init?

lsof -c init

what files are opened by processes whose names starts by "courier", but exclude those whose owner is the user "mack"?

lsof -c courier -u ^mack

processes opened by user apache and user mack:

lsof -u apache,mack

Show what files are using the process whose PID is 30297:

lsof +p 30297

Search for all opened instances of directory /tmp and all the files and directories it contains:

lsof +D /tmp

List all opened internet sockets and sockets related to port 80:

lsof -i
lsof -i :80

List all opened Internet and UNIX domain files:

lsof -i -U

Show us what process(es) has an UDP connection opened to or from the host at port 123 (ntp):


(about LSOF:

mercoledì 26 marzo 2008

Ldapsearch and LDIF files in OID

The ldapsearch utility tool comes with every common LDAP library and allows a command-line user to run queries against LDAP directories.

Using Oracle OID ldap you can find the utility under "$OID_HOME/bin/ldapsearch" and the following is the syntax:

ldapsearch -h oid_hostname
-D "binddn"
-w password
[-Y "proxy_dn"]
[-p ldap_port]
[-V ldap_version]
-b "basedn"
{-s base|one|sub}
{"filter_string" [attributes]|-f input_file}
[-a never|always|search|find]
[-F separator]
[-S] [-R] [-i 1|0] [-t] [-u] [-L|-X] [-B] [-M] [-v] [-n]
[-l time_limit]
[-z size_limit]
[-O ref_hop_limit]
[-U SSL_auth_mode {-W wallet_location -P wallet_password}]
[-d debug_level]
[-E character_set]

(details here:

Here some example on using this utility.

[Performing a simple subtree search]

ldapsearch -p 389 -h myhost -b "c=US" -s sub -v "cn=John*"

[The following example retrieves only the distinguished name along with the surname (sn) and description (description) attribute values]

ldapsearch -p 389 -h myhost -b "c=US" -s sub -v "cn=Person*" dn sn description

[search for all_groups starting on a given DN]

ldapsearch \
-h hostname \
-p 3060 \
-D cn=adminuser \
-w password \
-b 'cn=Groups,dc=organizazion,dc=com' \
-s sub objectclass=orclgroup 'cn=*'

[search for users in a given DN]

ldapsearch \
-h hostname \
-p 3060 \
-D cn=adminuser \
-w password \
-b 'cn=GRP_ITA_TPM_VIW,cn=portal.id_install,cn=groups,dc=organization,dc=com' \
-s sub objectclass=orclgroup \

You can generate an LDIF file from an ldapsearch.
The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a standard plain text data interchange format for representing LDAP directory content and update requests.
For example, i can search for all groups with name starting with FBK,DOC,GRP,ORG a generate a file:

ldapsearch \
-h hostname \
-p 3060 \
-D cn=adminuser \
-w password \
-b 'cn=portal.id_install,cn=Groups,dc=organization,dc=com' \
-s sub \
"(&(objectclass=orclgroup)(|(cn=FBK*)(cn=DOC*)(cn=GRP*)(cn=ORG*)))" \
dn > all_grp.ldif

Optionally i can clear the file and consider only the rows i need:

cat all_grp.ldif |grep cn > t1.txt

and then import the LDIF file on a target LDAP:

ldapadd \
-h targethost \
-p 13060 \
-D cn=adminuser \
-w password \
-f ./t1.ldif

Case statement in SQL and PL/SQL

The following as examples using SIMPLE and SEARCHED CASE statement in pl/sql.
Simple CASE:

text := case n
when 1 then one
when 2 then two

when 3 then three
else other
end case;

Searched CASE:

text := case
when n = 1 then one

when n = 2 then two
when n = 3 then three
when ( n > 3 and n <>
else other

Exception handling:

when p = 1 then Action1;
when r = 2 then Action2;
when q > 1 then Action3;
end case;
when case_not_found

In SQL, you can also have SIMPLE and SEARCHED case.

SELECT last_name, commission_pct,
(CASE commission_pct
WHEN 0.1 THEN ‘Low’
WHEN 0.15 THEN ‘Average’
WHEN 0.2 THEN ‘High’
END ) Commission
FROM employees ORDER BY last_name;

SELECT last_name, job_id, salary,
WHEN job_id LIKE 'SA_MAN' AND salary <>
WHEN job_id LIKE 'SA_MAN' AND salary >= 12000 THEN '15%'
WHEN job_id LIKE 'IT_PROG' AND salary <>
WHEN job_id LIKE 'IT_PROG' AND salary >= 9000 THEN '12%'
END ) Raise
FROM employees;

venerdì 7 marzo 2008

Disable Ctrl-N

Here is a simple way to disable CTRL-N in Javascript.

document.onkeydown = function(){
if ((event.keyCode == 78) && (event.ctrlKey)){
//alert ("No new window")
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
event.keyCode = false;
return false;

No right click

Here is a simple way to disable right-click in Javascript.

var message="";
function clickIE() {if (document.all) {(message);return false;}}
function clickNS(e) {if
(document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) {
if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {(message);return false;}}}
if (document.layers)

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false")

mercoledì 5 marzo 2008


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a format used for transmitting structured data over a network connection in a process called serialization. Its main application is in Ajax web application programming, where it serves as an alternative to the traditional use of XML.

JSON's basic types are
  • Number (integer, real, or floating point)
  • String (double-quoted Unicode with backslash escapement)
  • Boolean (true and false)
  • Array (an ordered sequence of values, comma-separated and enclosed in square brackets)
  • Object (collection of key/value pairs, comma-separated and enclosed in curly brackets)
  • null

The following example shows the JSON representation of an object that describes a person. The object has string fields for first name and last name, contains an object representing the person's address, and contains a list of phone numbers (an array).

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": 10021
"phoneNumbers": [
"212 732-1234",
"646 123-4567"

The following Javascript code shows how the client can use an XMLHttpRequest to request an object in JSON format from the server. (The server-side programming is omitted; it has to be set up to respond to requests at url with a JSON-formatted string.)

var the_object;
var http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, true );
http_request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if ( http_request.readyState == 4 ) {
if ( http_request.status == 200 ) {
the_object = eval( "(" + http_request.responseText + ")" );
} else {
alert( "There was a problem with the URL." );
http_request = null;

More info at