giovedì 8 aprile 2010

UCM: Rules and Profiles metadata

UCM do not store metadata of Rules and Profiles. To obtain those information you need to use IdcServices (or parse the rules/profiles HDA files).

Following a list of sample URLs:

All profiles:


Rules vs single Profile:


All rules:


Attributes of a single rule:


UCM: Modify the check-in menu

To modify the "New check in" menu structure in UCM you have to customize the dynamic include "custom_finish_layout_init" using component wizard.

After creating the new resource and the new include use the javascript "navBuilder" object to modify the structure of the menu; use "navBuilder.getNodeById("NEW_CHECK_IN").childNodes" method to search the leafs of the node.

The leaf IDs of the new check in menu are usually named "MY_PERSONAL_CHECKINS_[n]" (with n starting from 0).

<$include super.custom_finish_layout_init$>
APChilds = new Array();
ARChilds = new Array();
var children = navBuilder.getNodeById("NEW_CHECK_IN").childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
TEXT = children[i].getAttribute("label") ;
if (TEXT.match(/\bAR\b/i) != null)
{ arrLength =ARChilds.push(children[i].getAttribute("id")); }
if (TEXT.match(/\bAP\b/i) != null) {
arrLength =APChilds.push(children[i].getAttribute("id")); }}

Then you can add new nodes or collections using:

navBuilder.addChildNodeTo("NEW_CHECK_IN","collection","id==ACCOUNT_PAYABLES","label==Account payables","url==");

navBuilder.addChildNodeTo("NEW_CHECK_IN","item","id==ACCOUNT_PAYABLES","label==Account payables","url==");

If trying to add a new collection you can choose the position of the leaf specifying the sibling node:



then move check in profile into the newly created collections:

while(i navBuilder.moveItemInto("ACCOUNT_RECEIVABLES",ARChilds[i]); i++;

while(i navBuilder.moveItemInto("ACCOUNT_PAYABLES",APChilds[i]); i++;

Note: use the IDOC function "lc" for getting translation; example: <$lc("wwACCOUNT_RECEIVABLES")$>

Here is the include full code:

<$include super.custom_finish_layout_init$>

APChilds = new Array();
ARChilds = new Array();

var children = navBuilder.getNodeById("NEW_CHECK_IN").childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
TEXT = children[i].getAttribute("label") ;
if (TEXT.match(/\bAR\b/i) != null) {
arrLength =ARChilds.push(children[i].getAttribute("id"));
if (TEXT.match(/\bAP\b/i) != null) {
arrLength =APChilds.push(children[i].getAttribute("id"));


while(i navBuilder.moveItemInto("ACCOUNT_RECEIVABLES",ARChilds[i]); i++;

while(i navBuilder.moveItemInto("ACCOUNT_PAYABLES",APChilds[i]); i++;